A Few Blogging Changes

November is always a busy month for me, blog-wise, and also a time when my posts here focus exclusively on writing and NaNoWriMo. This year was just the same, but several times I found myself fancying writing about something different. November wasn’t really the time, I reasoned – and I barely had the time, either – but now NaNoWriMo is over, I’ll be shuffling a few things around.

First of all: I will still be blogging about writing. My ‘Writing Life’ posts tend to reflect where I currently am in my writing projects, and I enjoy creating them both to clear my head and share what I’ve been up to. However, I feel I’ve been very remiss in blogging about books recently, and I want to change that. I’m planning a new series of ‘Epic Reads’, where I review/discuss some of the longer works I’ve recently read (mostly because it’ll give me a fresh incentive to dive into some fantasy series and to read some of the weightier tomes I have cluttering up my bookshelf!).

That’s books and writing – what else? I actually don’t have any firm plans, other than that I’d like to post more photos, more gaming stuff, and perhaps a few reviews of miscellaneous tech items (I do love my gadgets, after all). I am, of course, still posting to my joint game review site, but you can expect to see more casual updates here as well.

This is not a New Year’s Resolution, exactly – I don’t tend to make those – but I’ve been blogging here for several years now and it feels like time for a change. Here’s to many more years to come!

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